Monday, June 27, 2016

Week 94

Well, on Tuesday, we finally will say goodbye to our beloved presidente LaPierre.. And we will welcome with open arms Presidente Svec, from Chile. It's kind of bittersweet. The last time we got to see him was at our zone conference on Friday.  It was SO spiritual. We talked about a lot of things. Mostly our missionary callings, and how to love one another. The best part for me was that a couple weeks ago, we gave everyone a calendar, and a list of little services that we had to do for our companion. We had to do a service every day until the zone conference. And then we talked about it. I'd say that everyone had a great experience. I did. I'll tell ya some stories later, but the best ones were about writing notes to our companion, thanking them. There were many good experiences.

The highlight of the week was an investigator that came to church today. He lives litterally across the street from the chapel, but he has a bunch of friends in a different branch, and has a lot of family members in Asuncion that are members. He's always heard from the missionaries, but never was interested until about a month ago when he finally started to read the Book of Mormon. One of his friends invited him to Stake Conference, and he said that as they were singing the opening hymn, he just started bawling "I have no clue why I was crying... then during all of the talks, I was just crying the whole time!" He's like this 50 year old mechanic. It's pretty funny.  Well he's attended church ever since, but in the different branch, like I said. We went by his house with the hermanas from Rama 3, and then we started teaching him from then on. We passed by with the Branch President, and yesterday morning, he passed by his house in his car to pick him up - yes. He lives across the street, and he still went in his car.

Well he liked the reunion, and at the end of Elders Quorum, the teacher said to him "we're here to help you in your investigation of the church. We're your neighbors, we want to get to know you better, and were here to help." and then Hermano Roman said "It's not an investigation, sorry. I'm not investigating. I already know that it's true. I WILL be baptized. It's not a matter of if, its a matter of when. I'm not offended or anything, but I just want to let you all know."


He's got a date to be baptized for the 9th. Such a huge blessing to know this guy. His family still doesn't really want to attend, so were working with that, but he, in his own words, is convinced.

Another great miracle happened about a week ago. Walking down the street, a girl called out to us "when are you having English classes?!" and we said "can we share something with you?"  She's obsessed with the States. She wants to live there. She's 18, and has gone to English class before in the church. Well we're not currently teaching English, but we taught her the gospel! We gave her a Book of Mormon.

In a week, she's already almost done with 2 Nefi. She reads an hour a day, no matter what. She has now downloaded Gospel Library onto her phone, and has all of the general conferences down. She's on the group message list for the youth of the church here, and she walked all by herself to church yesterday. She loved it, and now is great friends with all the members.

We asked her if she wants to get baptized. She said kind of, but not really. But we`ll see about that. She's prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true, and totally received an answer! She's awesome!

She lives with her parents. We invite her parents to come and listen to us. They politely said "no", and then proceeded to make us lunch. I love food.

Elder Christensen

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