Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 92

A Cidade do Leste


Yeah, Ive been studying a lot in Portuguese lately. Ive been praying in Portuguese and ive been reading O Livro de Mòrmon. I will learn. We actually find a lot of Brazillians around here. They all speak Spanish, though, and dont really try to speak to me in Portuguese, so its kinda hard to practice, but whatever. The other day, we were with a woman in the first lesson, and she told us that she doesnt like going to church, but she likes learning things in her house, and always accepts missionaries. In fact, she was waiting for some sister missionaries to come in that instant!

And guess who walked in?? The Jehovah`s Witnesses! It was pretty awkward. Just us with the investigators of two young Brazillian women. We beat them to the punch. They didnt really stick around long, but they just set up another appointment with the lady, and left.  well, It wasnt a great lesson, and she said she doesnt want to go to church, but it was the first time that other missionaries had walked into one of my lessons. It was weird. What a great experience.

We had a meeting in Encarnacion, and I got to sit next to elder Baskin. That was the greatest. I had forgotten how much he made me laugh.

Paraguay and the US played each other in soccer on Saturday. Do you know who won? Yeah, you better believe it. Now everytime a 10 year old kid in the street starts ridiculing us, instead of just taking it, i yell back ``did you watch the game on saturday? Yeah? Do you remember who won?!`` then they kind of shut up. So thats a good little tool i have now against the Paraguayan youth.

Yesterday, it was one of the funnest church meetings ever! It has been FREEZING cold lately, and one member was trying to turn the heater on. he turned it on, then sat down as someone started to pray. Little did we know that he accidentaly turned on the AC! It was blowing cold air! It was horrible haha and we had to wait until after the prayer to turn the AC off. It was pretty nippy. Then during the meeting, some 15 year old kid walked into the chapel and started shaking everyones hands. It was the middle of the meeting. We sat next to him. As the meeting ended, we asked him where he was from, and he said ``from a place of suffring and misery.`` wow. Ive never been there before. during the next class, he stood up, then took his pants off- luckily he was wearing some soccer shorts underneath- and kneeled down next to the teacher, and started reading the hymns out loud. Our teacher wasnt even fazed. Then he kind of wandered around the room, and left.

So it was a great week.

Elder Christensen

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