Monday, June 20, 2016

Week 93

Templo de Asunciòn
I got to go to the temple on Tuesday! It was the greatest! We had to do tramites, I had to take my fingerprints, and sign papers, and have my picture taken in Asuncion. What a fun 6 hour bus ride. But while we were there, just seeing the temple is such a great spiritual experience. We cant go in- it's against the rules- but just being on the grounds you can feel the Spirit there.

We went to the distribution center where I bought a hymnal in Portuguese- I've been singing 2 or 3 hymns in Portuguese every day since then- and I think that its probably the nicest building I have ever entered in my entire mission. Wow. They had central air, and the walls didn't have dirty fingerprints OR mold running all down them. It was incredible.

Our most exciting investigator is named Melquisedec. haha he's on the path to full activity in the church just by having that name! He's very evangelical, and knows a ton about the Bible, and we had a lesson of about an hour just talking about the organization of the church using Bible references. We had both memorized scriptures and their references, and were both asking each other questions. It was pretty much the most intense lesson I have ever had. At the end, he had an extremely great desire to read the Book of Mormon. He has now read a good portion of 1 Nefi, and says that he loves it. It was fathers day yesterday, and he went to visit his dad, so he couldn't attend church, but he said that he wants to. So we'll see how that turns out!

One of the recent converts here lives in a place thats VERY hard to find. You have to make like 5 turns to get there. There's not a straight shot street that gets you there. And we still don't know the area very well. We tried to find it, and got lost. I was pretty frustrated. We looked for another 15 20 minutes, and could not find his house. What ever. Then we decided to say a prayer and ask for help. As we ended the prayer, we just started walking, and took 1 turn, and walked another block, and we could see, a block away, his house! What a miracle! We immediately said a prayer of thanks, and then had a great lesson about going to the temple. So that was nice.

It's pretty great being a missionary. I love you

Elder Christensen

PS, here in Ciudad del Este, its known for having a ton of imported American stuff! look at this gem we found downtown!

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