Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 95

Well it was a pretty good week. I feel like I was just barely in this cyber, writing.

For my birthday we met the new mission president! Presidente Svec. He's from Chile. He's short and fat and a pretty spiritual dude. He was in Bountiful a couple months ago for his job. He worked for the seminaries and institutes of the Church. Pretty awesome.

Yanina, the girl who now is in Jacob in the Book of Mormon after 2.5 weeks fasted with us yesterday! That was pretty awesome! She's progressing. She doesn't really want to be baptized, but she just barely read 2 Nephi 31, and were going to hash that out pretty hard in our lesson tomorrow. Well see what she says...

Also the family Roman came to church yesterday! It was the mom's first time coming to church! The hermano is already to be baptized, but he wants to get baptized with his wife, so they're going to wait a couple more weeks in order for her to come. So were pretty excited about that.

... I took a lot of pictures, but the lady that owns these computers always complains about how many viruses are on them, so I think I'll hold off on plugging my camera in...

We're going to a dam today. That'll be fun

Elder Christensen

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