Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 91

Well my new companion is named Elder Pettit. He's got 10 months in the mission. He's from Highland. He's pretty great.
We came into the area, and Elder Baskin had left us a map of the investigators that they were teaching. One of them was named Diego. Well, they taught him like, twice, and had given him a Book of Mormon. When we went by, he brought it out, and showed us that he had already read through 1 Nephi. Wow! He said that while he's in college, he just reads in all his free time. It's been like a week! One time, one of his friends, asked him about it, and he started reading it to her! She liked it so much that they photocopied a few pages so that she could read it at home! We gave him a new book for her to read!
Another day, he was reading in class, and his professor came up to him, and asked him what he was reading. He told him, and the professor said "oh! I'm mormon!" It was great! And apparently, started teaching him a bit more about what we believe! What a miracle! This kid was super prepared! He said that he already believes that it's true, and wants to go to church, but his grandma is extremely catholic, and wont let him go to another church. We'll work on that.
Another great miracle is that Elder Baskin baptized a guy here a few weeks ago. He's pretty quiet. But I was just sitting there, talking to him after sacrament meeting, and he asked me "what can I do so serve in the church? There has to be something that I can do! I'm too scared to go and give a talk or teach a class, but there must be something!" Yeah, we directed him straight to the branch president, and now his assignment is to come early and greet all the members as they walk into church!
The last great thing that happened was that during testimony meeting, a member walked in kind of late. All in one motion, he picked a chair to sit down on, looked up and noticed that no one was sharing their testimony, set his books down, and went up to the pulpit and bore his testimony; haha it was pretty great.
We were contacting the other day, and a lady answered, and we asked if she knew a bit about the church. She said "Yes. My daughter was married there a few weeks ago." Wow! So we started talking to her, and we had a great lesson. Basically, it all started out with her saying that she didn't know much about what we believed. We talked about the Bible. She's Catholic and believes in the Bible. But she asked US if we believed that everything that Christ had done in His life was recorded in the Bible. Promptly, I whipped out the last verse in the book of John that says that if all the acts of Christ were written down, not even all the books in all the libraries in the world would be able to fit it all! And then right after, we whipped out the Book of Mormon. And she understood VERY well, and now is VERY interested.
We were pretty happy, and headed out to a family's house to have a family home evening. As we walked in, unexpectedly, we saw this lady's daughter and new husband sitting there! This family had miraculously invited them to the family home evening! We said "hey! We just had a killer lesson with your mom!"

During the family night, we were given time to bear our testimonies. And this girl had said that she was baptized recently and was married and that her parents had always given her a hard time about the church, and that they didn't really accept anything that she had told them about what we believe, and that she was really hurting about it. She said that hearing that her mom listened to us, and not only that, but participated, too, gave her so much comfort. She started to cry and it was pretty spiritual. So she's getting baptized pretty soon. We have another appointment with her on Thursday.
Sorry no pictures, I forgot my camera
Elder Christensen

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