Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 90

Ciudad del Este 6
Well, the changes came, and I'm going to Paraguay! Woo hoo! I'm going to Elder Baskin's old area! I'm pretty excited.

Well I'll just tell you guys one story. Yesterday morning before church, we were going to pick up a family of investigators to take them to church with us.  We've been teaching them for about a month, and they have had just so many miracles passing in their lives and just haven't done anything about it. It was very frustrating. Well we decided to accompany them to church. They live about a 45 minute walk away. To get to their house, you have to go up this one hill, and then it starts turning downhill. and they just live 1 block away. So you can't see on the other side of the hill while walking up the hill. Well, as we were walking there, I said to Elder Christiansen "you know what would be the most beautiful sight in the world? Watching Hugo and Rosana walk over that hill with their 2 kids." and I bet you can guess what happened 15 seconds later. I was so grateful.

Church was awesome.

I'm going to miss Garupa. The members have turned into some of my very best friends. I love it!

Elder Christensen

The thing I'm going to miss the most is the peacock farm right in the middle of the area!

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