Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 97

Well, this week was great. The cyber broke down, and I don't really have much time to write.

I'm sending some dam pictures finally.

We had a lot of American interaction this week. On Wednesday, we were eating lunch with our Elders Quorum president. And we started talking about music. His favorite band is Creedence Clearwater Revival. haha he pulled out his laptop and played a couple songs. We shut it down after about 5 minutes. I just about cried. It's such good music....

Then we were standing in the super market, and this big white dude walked up to us, and asked us if we were from the states. YES! He's from Texas. His wife is Paraguayan, and he's visiting her family. How fun.

I've had a lot of people try to bible bash us recently. I really do everything I can to not fight back. We try to empathize the importance of just praying, and we try and answer their questions, but after about 10 minutes of aggression, I just get pumped, and I whip out the bible, and I say in my mind "you wanna go? We can go!" Anyway, once they get a better argument than "you don't worship the Virgin Mary or statues" or "the Book of Mormon isn't true, because there are many books written in it, and it should be 'books of mormon'", I don't think I'll ever lose the faith. But we DO NOT bash other churches. We just defend our doctrine. And the best thing is that every time we stay calm, and don't look like idiots, I can just feel the Spirit testify that our message is true.

Then I sing my favorite hymn, "True to the Faith."

Have a great day, and may the bible bashers ever stay out of your path.

Elder Christensen

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