Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 96

It's slurpee day!

Well a lot of great stuff happened this week.

One little tender mercy that happened was that we were walking down the street, and we heard a woman say "Oh! And now two elders are walking down the street right in front of me!" So we turned back, and saw that she was on SKYPE! We started talking to her! She was SKYPING her in-laws that live in Spain! And guess what? They are very active members! She actually attended the church several times when she lived with them there! The lady over Skype asked "Are the elders visiting you?" and I responded "we are now!" We didn't share anything, but we will be back!

Another great thing was that we found a family a couple weeks ago, and they have read the Book of Mormon, they have family members who are members (they even have a Bible from the church! It was quite a surprise to see them pull out the Church`s Holy Bible when we asked if we could share a scripture with them!), but they haven't really asked if the Book of Mormon was true. But this week, the 14 year old son did. And received an answer! As we were walking to church yesterday, guess who came up behind us and walked the rest of the way with us to church? HIM! Awesome. He will progress. He should be baptized in August.

The third great story is that on Saturday night at 8:30, we were just kinda looking for something to do, and we contacted a few houses, it was pretty discouraging, no members were home or awake, and we were kind of scraping the bottom of the barrell looking for stuff to do. We contacted one house, and a lady and her husband left, and said that they had always talked with the missionaries there at their gate, but that they had never shared with them before. Well why not?! They didn't know, and they let us pass! hahaha

We just immediately started talking about the family and the church, and  the dad asked "Is there a pastor in your church that can pray for me?" we said "Well... we can give you a blessing, if you want. We are authorized to do so." He said "Awesome." So we went and gave him a blessing. It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my mission. He said that he just had attacks of depression that had just started, and didn't know what it was.

Well, after the blessing, we just kinda sat there in silence for probably 60 seconds and he explained that he had had this depression for a while now, and his catholic priest told him that it was because his neighbors were doing voodoo on him, and that nothing could be done. He expressed a lot of worry to his wife, and never really got better. He was quite worried. Well, he said that he was looking for some possible way to get comfort, when we showed up at his door. When his wife saw us, she said "Here comes your salvation!"

Well, they didn't go to church yesterday, but the hermano said that he was going to, no matter what, do everything that we told him to do because of the peace that he had felt after receiving the blessing.

Great week.

By the way, changes came, and nothing is happening! I'm going to finish here in Rama 6 with Elder Pettit!

Elder Christensen

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