Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 88

We have had a ton of divisions this week. For 5 nights this week, there was another pair of missionaries in our apartment. 2.5 kilos of ceareal and 10 liters of milk disappeared after 4 days. Me and Elder Christiansen were pretty livid, but then we realized that it was a great opportunity to build our charity. So I guess thats good. Were so blessed.

The highlight of this week is that we reactiviated a less active woman a couple months ago, and her son got baptized. Were now working on getting her to the temple. We gave her the booklet ´´how to prepare to enter the Holy Temple´´, and she pretty much read and memorized it in a day. We taught her the law of chastity, which she had never heard anything about before, and now strives to live it. Which is good. Her dang boyfriend moved out a while ago. And last week, we downloaded for her a conference session. And she watched is ´´about 6 or 7 times.´´ And she now has a huge testimony of the living prophets. Shes the best! She even offered to go and bring an investigator to church when she accompanied us on a visit! She started bringing her extremely less active mother to chruch, too, and now her mom started talking with the bishop!

Its truly amazing the changes that occur in some people that just want to do what God wants them to. For the church to grow, it just takes a few good people who want to magnify their callings.

iT rained a lot yesterday. Not many pepole came to church. But one investigator DID make it. A 70 year old man. I actually have not yet taught him. Thank you, divisions.

Im doing great. The ward is awesome and the members help a ton.

Elder Christensen

PS, in one of these pictures, im standing in front of a building. Look up the Denmark Copenhagen Temple, and you will find that it looks EXACTLY like it!

PPS I love you

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