Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 89

Brother Sanabria
That guy is the best!

We've had a lot of opportunities to leave with him. He's the local high councilor here in Garupa Ward. He's 40, served a mission in Buenos Aires, has 2 daughters, is a black belt in kung fu, and is one of the most spiritually sound guys ever. He's truly someone that I want to be like when I'm older, haha who knew? We've left with him a few times, and every time that we're going to leave with him on divisions, I always dibs him, haha poor Elder Christiansen.

We had a lesson on the Plan of Salvation, and he just gave a killer testimony that was something  like "we don't have to do everything here on the earth. But it just depends where we want to go. I do everything that I do because I know where I want to go."  It was better in the moment, but he is just so generous and helpful and kind with everyone. I've gotta take a picture with this guy.

We've just left a lot with the members lately, and just to talk with them in the street about their conversion and about their families, and hearing them give counsel to their neighbors about spiritual things just makes me so impressed of the people down here. My love for them has grown.

Well we went to Santo Tome on Wednesday. It was pretty great. The highlight was meeting one of the men there that is preparing for his baptism. He's 40. They found him 4 weeks ago. They found him on a Tuesday, and the next Sunday was testimony meeting. By that Sunday, he had already read the whole Book of Mormon! And he got up, less than a week after have even heard of the book, and testified of its truthfulness! Since then, he has read it a second time, and is in 3 Nephi right now, about to finish for a 3rd time. Truly amazing.

But thats not even the best part of this guy. His main issue right now is that he smokes. But he has now quit smoking. How did he quit? He just stopped.  He said that the first day that the missionaries came, he was smoking 3 packs a day. By their next visit, 2 days later, he was smoking 2 packs a day. Then a couple days later, 1 pack per day. Then they taught him the word of wisdom, and he cut it down to 10 per day, then 5 per day, then 2 per day, and then, less than 3 weeks later, he had quit smoking entirely. What helps? Just reading the Book of Mormon and feeling the Spirit. He says that its not even an urge anymore. But it was pretty sad. When I talked with him, he was practically trembling from withdrawals. But its been about a week now! Incredible guy. He's ready for his baptism.

You're the best

Elder Christensen

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