Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 80


Presidente LaPierre gave us as a mission the challenge to study english enough to be able to watch your last general conference in English. Every single conference session in my mission, I have been in a tiny branch where watching in English just wasn't an option. So I've always watched it in Spanish. But now that I'm a 40 minute bus-ride away from the mission office, I will finally have the opportunity to watch General Conference in English. I will meet the goal that was set by our mission president.

So I'm pretty stoked.

Diana, our investigator is doing OUTSTANDING! She said that every time she reads the Book of Mormon, she has greater and greater desires to be baptized. We set a baptismal date for the 16 of April. We're all pretty excited. She came to church again yesterday, but quickly left right after Sacrament Meeting. That's her next task. To stay for all 3 hours. But, anyway. We were there to teach her a couple days ago, and her sister had a bunch of friends over. She yelled over to the group of teenagers, and asked "why don't we all sit down and chat a bit with the missionaries?" We couldn't believe it! She got shut down, and no one came over, but it was so brave!

It's been crazy to see her change from being really quiet, just kind of, there, and not really doing much, to the kind of person she is right now to invite others to listen to us, and to get to church and to go around and start talking with people, and to reading the scriptures. She said that if she doesn't pray at night, she cant sleep. It's almost as if her heart had been changed by the power of Christ´s Atonement.

In other news, we had meetings in Paraguay. I saw Elder Baskin, and we took some photos together. Too bad the computer here cant read my camera.

But the highlight of the week was that we found a place in Encarnacion that sells Dr Pepper. It was the first Dr Pepper that i had drank in more than 1.5 years. I had forgotten how good it is. It was delicious. I miss Dr Pepper.

Elder Christensen

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