Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 79

There were transfers this week, and me and Elder Diaz are still staying together, so there wasnt a big change there.

On Sunday, it was fast Sunday, and I decided to fast so that we could find a family to teach. I felt like it was a pretty righteous goal. As the fast was ending, I was preparing myself to start to contact families throughout the week in order to put in my end of the deal of the fast. But it didnt really work out like that.

We ate lunch with a family yesterday to end the fast, and literally as we were leaving the house, a car saw us and pulled over, and there was a family inside, and they said, "hey, were having marital problems, and we really need to find out how God can help us solve them. Do you think you could come over and chat with us?" wow... that was fast haha (did you see the pun there?) But yeah, we said "of course! where do you live?" and they pointed to a house down the street, and told us that we could pass by today at 8 at night.

It was pretty much a huge blessing, and I couldn't really believe it. I'm extremely grateful to have seen an answer to a fast so quickly, and i can say that my testimony of fasting has grown immensely over the course of my mission.

About a month ago, I was sitting in church, and the teacher asked someone what they thought about Amulek's teachings of the Atonement. I thought "wow. It would be interesting to see what each prophet in the Book of Mormon taught about the Atonement, and compare them." It's probably the most enlightening study I have ever done. And it's going to have taken me about 3 months to finish the whole thing. But I don't get worried about taking notes about the storyline, or any other cool facts I find, i just focus on the teachings of the Atonement. It's incredible.

Last week, we were walking down the street, and some dude told us that he was a member, and wanted us to visit him. We passed by like 3 itmes, and he always told us that he was busy, and we set up another appointment, and the same thing happened. Plus we saw a whole bunch of pornography in his house, so we just gave him our number and told him to call us if he needed anything... I was just about positive that we had found the next 2nd counsellor in the Bishopric.

Things dont always work out the way you think that they do.

Elder Christensen

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