Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 77

I don't know why all the coolest people in the mission are teenage girls. Well Diana is part of the Paraguayan family that I told you about earlier. She's progresssing a ton. She came to church yesterday! But we couldn't talk to her after. She left very quickly, and we had to travel yesterday to do a baptismal interview, so... were not sure how she felt.

Well the deal is that we passed by one more time and talked with all her family, and her dad was taking up all the attention, and it was one of the worst lessons that i have ever been apart of.

Then elder Diaz passed by her house on Saturday on divisions, so I wasn't there and he told me this- that when they walked past her house, they saw that she was reading one of the pamphlets outside! They had to go back to the pension already, but decided to pass by,  anyway. She said that she had read the pamphlet like 3 or 4 times, but couldn't remember any of it. So she had to keep re reading it until she understood it. She said that ´´were children of God, but in the Premortal Existence, we only had spirits, so we had to come to the earth to have physical bodies, and gain experience. But we passed through the veil and cant remember anything from before...´´ and pretty much explained everything about the Plan of Salvation. He said it was a super awesome lesson. Then she came to church yesterday, and all the teenaged girls in our ward just ate her up. They are so good at hermanamiento.

Well another miracle happened this week. A few months ago, the other elders passed by this one ladies house. She started attending church (like 10 times), and has a way strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and is pretty much a member. The only problem is that her boyfriend doesn't want to get married, and is very anti-mormon. So antimormon, in fact, that he forbade that she accept the missionaries anymore.. So we stopped passing by. Anyway, on Thursday while we were studying, we got a text from an unknown number That said - hey. I'm Cintias boyfriend. And I need to talk with you..-- uh oh. So we replied. ´´okey. We can pass by in the afternoon.´´ trying to play the ´´cool´´ card. and he said ´´no. Come by this morning.´´ sweet mercy! So we passed by.

We got there, and we started talking about something for about 10 seconds, then he just started to cry. Turns out, Cintia left him because hes such a jerk, and he feels terrible. She only left a few days ago, and decided to contact us almost immediately. He said that he never realized how awful of a person he was until just now, and that he wants to change. Hes never prayed before, and he prayed with us. We explained repentance. WE told him that if he continues doing what hes doing then he is going to hurt a lot of people. He needs to be kind, and read the scriptures and pray with his family. Anyway. He accepted it all, and then on divisions on Saturday, Elder Diaz passed by with another missionary, and the whole family was back together again. He said that he's going to continue meeting with us and is going to start going to church with his girlfriend. I hope he knows that hell be the next 2nd counsellor in the bishopric if he decides to follow through on his righteous plans.

Well I also had an enjoyable time on divisions. Me and Elder Evans started talking about random stuff. He said that he loves Dr Pepper. I love Dr Pepper. But then I said that I didn't drink it for the first 6 months of the year to prepare for Ragnar. He loves Ragnar. And running. Then we started talking about running. And high school. He said that he loves AP tests. I love AP tests. We started talking about math next. We both love math. Then I started talking about geography. He loves geography, too. Then he said a quote from the office. Then we started talking about what we want to do when were older. And he wants to be a doctor. So then we started talking about medicine. It was awesome. We're pretty much the same person.

I love you all

Elder Emil

PS I still cant send pictures. Sorry. I tried.

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