Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 78

Well I went to Iguazu again this week. I finally have my Argentine Identification. Woo hoo. The trip was great. If you didn't know, at the end of the mission here, Presidente LaPierre sends the missionaries that are going home to the falls to see them one of their last days in the mission. And we took advantage of that trip and travelled with them. So I got to eat dinner with all the old missionaries, and I got to travel with them at 1:30 am to the falls. Quite the experience
I helped prepare the dinner. I was with Presidente and Hermana LaPierre alone in the mission home for a few hours cooking. Quite the fun time. Just chatting away about life. I wore an apron. I took a lot of pictures, but I can't send them... so I'm sorry.
Lots of miracles this week. Mostly with menos activos. we were walking back to the chapel one day, we had a mission reunion, and we were hustling. But on the way, and in our rush, we decided that we would go by and invesstigators house to set up an appointment. We walked past some man, and said "buen dia" and he started saying "elder, elder" and we started talking to him. He told us that he was baptized when he was 17, and was way into the church, has the preisthood, was preparing to go on a mission, but when he was 18, he fell hard. and now, he said that he really needs God in his life again. He asked us to pass by, and we did yesterday! Pretty much drugs and alcohol are destroying his life. So we'll see what can happen. But it was quite the miracle to run into him!
Also this week, we were going to buy facturas, an argentine pastry that I love, and in the bakery that we always go to, some dude next to us started talking to us about the church. He attended a few years ago. then the guy next to him said that he, too, attended a few years ago. We were talking about baptism, they had never been baptized, and the Book of Mormon, while Elder Diaz was buying the facturas. The lady that works there, from whom we always buy facturas said "oh I attended before, too! I was baptized in Buenos Aires. But I've only attended one time here because I'm too scared to go alone..." AWESOME!
We passed by the bakery again the next day (I love facturas), and invited her to the stake conference on Sunday. She said that she needs to stop working on Sundays "I know I need to stop working on Sundays... I've set the goal and I'm going to talk with my boss." It was awesome! She literally lives right next door to the church. Little does she know that she'll be the next Young Womens president. Monica.
The last fun thing that happened was that we had Stake Conference, and I was able to see and talk to all the members from Tacuari. There were a couple families that I didn't know if they attended or not, and I was kind of bummed out not to see them, but it made my day to see some familiar faces. Stake Conference was PACKED. We had the whole chapel, gym, stage, and 2 extra rooms set up with tvs and speakers filled.
Transfers came. I'm staying with Elder Diaz. This will make 3 changes together, if you weren't counting. I'm super stoked. My old buddy, Elder Evans is the new Asistente and I'm pretty stoked for him, and also my old companion Elder Hutchison is coming to the zone to be a district leader! So I'll have a ton of contact with him! It's the greatest zone ever!
I love you
Elder Christensen

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