I cant really remember anything too crazy that happened, but I'll tell you one story.
We were on the bus going somewhere. We were walking to our seats, and as we sat down, the guy in front of us said "hi, elder." wow. So we started talking with him. He was like 60 years old, or older. He said that the missionaries used to pass by his house, and we asked him if we could pass by again. He said yeah, and gave us his address.
We passed by. He greeted us quite warmly, and led us in. He rounded up his whole family, and we started to talk. Turns out, the first missionaries passed by his house in 1973, and he attended church a few times. He said that he likes the Book of Mormon, but never got baptized. He hadn't talked with the missionaries since then, and for whatever reason just had an urge to talk with us. We had a pretty good lesson about Easter with his whole family, and he said that he wanted to continue taking the lessons. So that was pretty cool. Not the most spiritual experience, but it was quite a blessing to be given a new family to teach.
As we were looking for his house, we just started asking around. We asked this one guy in his house, and he said "yeah, it's around there. Hey, I was baptized in your church when I was 8." Then we proceeded to talk about how his whole family is members, and how he got offended by the bishop when he was 20, and never served a mission, and fell away pretty hard and doesn't really want to go back, but he LOVES the missionaries. He said that his mother taught him to give us everything. So we pretty much ate a meal at his house. He kept giving us food haha. He's got a lot of problems in his life right now. Addictions to drugs alcohol and tobacco, and he just barely moved in with his girlfriend, and he has a kid who lives way far away. His life is pretty messed up, and were just going to see if he will accept the help that living the gospel brings. I don't really have a ton of faith in him, but I do at the same time, because we're going to go back.
Again, not WAY spiritual, but it was just nice to be handed somebody new to teach.
It rained for like 2 days straight here and its starting to finally cool down a little. I'm in a long sleeved shirt, and I'm not even sweating.
Elder Emil