Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 84

We just got changes! And me and Elder Christiansen are staying together! woohoo! looks like I'll have even more time to reminisce about Woods Cross!

Well this week was probably my most successful week, numbers wise, as a missionary; due to the fact that we found 4 new families to work with. And we taught the whole family in every visit! It was quite astounding! There are many stories (4 to be exact) about how we just happened to find them all, but I'll tell you just one.

Well, we were walking down the street looking for somebody to talk to, and we walked past an extremely pregnant woman carrying a bag of groceries. We asked if she needed help. She said no. But we felt impressed to just keep talking with her. She was pretty cool. She's younger than me and is already going to have her second child, so thats crazy, but she was pretty nice. We asked if we could pass by another day to share something. She was "busy" then. But said okay, and pointed out a house.

We passed by a day or two later, and she definitely did not live there. It was raining pretty hard, and as we were leaving the house, we saw a dude sitting down underneath a little roof thing out side his house, and we both wanted to talk with him. We did, and he immediately invited us in, and had us sit down, and we called all his 4 kids to us, and his wife and his neighbor to sit down and listen. It was great! They were way nice! We went back, and they made us chipa. It was great. Weve had a few good lessons with them. They even accepted a baptismal date!

Well, during one lesson, he asked us "do you guys believe in signs from God?" uhhh.. yes. so then he said "because the afternoon before you guys came, I was sitting on my porch with my daughters, and we saw two big pillars of light come down from the sky, and we didn't know what they were. Then you guys showed up!" He said that he thinks its a sign from God. I didn't really understand what happened, but cool!

On Saturday, we were walking down the street, and they drove past, and asked us if we wanted a ride! We said yes! So they drove us to the next lesson, and they told us that they had just filled up their van with gas so that they could go to church the next day! Sick! But they weren't there. We went back the next day, and they said that one of their neighbors got attacked that morning, and was bleeding all over the place, and they took him to the hospital, so they couldn't go to church. They even have the bloody back seat to prove it!

Crazy stuff happens to the Vasquez family!

Elder Christensen

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