Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 83

I got to revisit Obera! One of my old areas! It was one of Elder Christiansen's old areas, too. So we were both pretty stoked. We had a leadership meeting there with our zone. I took pictures and everything, but I'm pretty sure that my camera is extremely fake. Thats what you get when you buy electronics in Paraguay! We had a lot of priesthood power in that meeting. We got stuff done!

Then we did divisions. It was pretty fun to be walkin' all those hills again. My legs were feeling it. Obera is the San Francisco of Argentina. Super pretty, too. We found a pretty cool girl. We just kind of clapped at her house, and she walked out. She was pretty interested in the gospel... she said she loves gospel music, so me and Elder Ferner sung her a hymn. I'm not the best singer. Anyway, The elder I went on divisions with is from Sao Paolo Brasil. And he showed me a picture of him with the mission president from his mission. President Farns! Whose children are Skyler and Ashlyn! Pretty crazy! Such a small world.

Another great thing that happened was that as we were walking down the street, a guy called us over, so we went. He asked us what time church started. We told him. Then he said that his wife really has heard good things about the church and wants to start attending. He gave us his address and we're going there tonight. Can't wait.

I know that the Church is true and that Christ lived and lives!

Elder Christensen

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