Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 82

All Star Weekend.
Boy, are those guys good or what??!!
The highlight besides going with Diana to the conference was definitely Elder Renlund`s talk. Boy, is that guy wise or what? If life were fair, Christ would have never suffered, died, or resurrected. And all of us, in turn, would never be perfected or resurrected. So I'm happy that life isn't fair... wow! what a stud!
It's also much more powerful in English. I cant wait to watch it again!
The other big news is that I got a new companion. Elder Diaz went to Encarnacion, Paraguay on emergency changes, and my new companion came from Ciudad del Este. He's going to finish his mission in 2 transfers. He's from North Salt Lake. He went to Woods Cross. We walked right next to each other at graduation. And his name is Elder Houston Christiansen. People make so much fun of us for our names haha.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We get along really well.
We had a lesson with Diana last night after conference, and she pretty much bore her testimony to us, and said that she knows that she's supposed to get her family to go to church and be baptized, and she said that she now has a better outlook on the family, and wants to keep going to church and keeping the commandments. Her family is totally cool with her being baptized, but they just don't want to go. And its kind of killing her. But she's such a great example.
You're the best.
Elder Christensen
PS The computer STILL cant read my camera!

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