Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 74

Whats up?
This week was pretty great. Kind of stressfull.
The reason why it was stressful was because I was pretty explosively sick the other day. I was in the bathroom for a long while. Im definitley much better, but  heaving for such a long time just sapped all my energy. Thats what happens when i try and cook my own lunch!
Theres a lot of dengue going around here. I really think that half the city of Posadas has it. And paraguays worse. Everyone has it. Not really, but its becoming quite the epidemic. Only one hermana in our zone has dengue, so it has avoided the missionaries here, more or less. But it feels like a ticking time bomb.
One the spiritual side of things, we were walking around, late one night, and Elder Diaz told me that his old compainion had passed this house, and he said that they used to visit some investigators there. so we passed the house, and elder Diaz said we were going to see if they would accept us. We clapped outside, and they came out and told us to come in.
So we went. And it turns out that they DIDNT talk with the misisonaries before. Theyre just some extremely friendly paraguayans! I miss paraguay... everyone would talk with us. Anyway, we just started talking with them, and they asked us which of all the chruches was true, and all the awesome classic questions! We finished the lesson listening to the father of the family pray! It was awesome! Ill tell you if they progress, but we have lots of hope
Elder Christensen

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