Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 75

This was a great week.
I bought some new pants. My shoes officially got destroyed beyond recognition, and I bought some new pens, too. So im doing pretty good. Except that I sweat an impressive amount of sweat everyday. I get so soaked that after lunch, we have to go back to the apartment, and i have to change my pants because its so embarrassing. what fun
WE went to talk with a menos activo, and we asked him how he joined the church. He said that when he was 12, he was walking down the street, and he looked ina box on the side of the road, and there was a book of mormon in it! He said he was just intrigued, so he grabbed it, and started reading. Acutally, he read until 3 nephi! Then he stopped. He said that he thought it was just a cool story, he didnt know that there was actually a religion that used its teachings.
well when he was 14,the missionaries showed up at his house, and started ta lking with his family. They pulled out the book of mormon, and he said ``hey! I have that same book!`` and then  they told him what it really was. And told him that to know if it was true, he had to pray and ask God if it was true. He said that he did, and now knows it was written by prophets of God. Then he and the rest of his family got baptized. Cool story. But now hes inactive. Well, as it turns out, he said he was feeling a little bit bad about himself, and he remembered that reading the Book of Mormon made him feel much better, so he started to read it again. A couple months ago! And said he knows he needds to start attending church again. Hes 20. mission-bound,  in my mind, but i dont think he know that yet...
in our ward, normally 110 people attend. But yesterday, it rained, so everyone decided to take the day off, and 27 showed up. Thats just the culture here, so its not that different that he didnt come to church.
Remember the Paraguayan afamily that wwe found last week? Well as it turns out, we gave them 5 verses in the book of m ormon to read, and they didnt read! Except for their 17 year old daughter! And she read, like 10 pages! She said that she felt awesome while she was reading it. She didnt really understand a  TON, but she remembered more or less the storyline, so we know that she read! She also said that she feels the Spirit when she reads it, and that she thinks that its truer than the Bible. But hasnt prayed to know whether its true or not. So thats her next step. But she said that she feels something different, the Spirit, when she talks with us, and she doesnt feel it when she goes to other churches. It was awesome! We talk with her whole family, but shes the only one that has a fire in her eyes.
We also had some great experiences, just walking to and from appointments, and deciding to talk to someone, and then we have an awesome lesson with them. Im not sure if they will progress, but we sure had a good time talking about the book of Mormon and repentance with them.
Have a great day
Elder Christensen

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