Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 73


Well im now with Elder Diaz again. He's changed from a super sophisticated, impressive joven to a super sophisticated impressive young single adult. What a big difference it is between 18 and 19! We're working a lot, and we've had many spiritual lessons. Its great to be at his side again.

Well the highlight of the week was sacrament meeting yesterday. Since it was my first week here, they had me bear my testimony and introduce myself. But another hermana, Hermana Reynoso, ALSO just barely got here. So she went first. She's from LA, but her parents are mexican. So she said "I'm from the US, but don't worry, I'm 100% Latina!" Then bore her testimony. Then I went up and said "I'm from the US, and I'm 100% gringo!" The Elders Quorum President didn't stop laughing for the whole meeting. I'm hilarious.

We also had a meeting with the stake presidency yesterday. It was 6 elders, and presidente LaPierrre, and we talked about how the stake is way to dependent on the missionaries for work that THEY should be doing. With regards to menos activos and conversos recientes. So we talked about what we were going to start doing to put a lot of the workload on the members here. Were going to stop doing their job, and then they should become more self sufficient! That's the big push in the church here in Argentina. Becomeing self sufficient temporally and spiritually.

I love you so much

Elder Christensen

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