Monday, January 18, 2016

Week 71

One of our investigators calls me "The Russian" because she says that I look like Ivan Drago from Rocky IV. I'm not going to complain.
Well the most exciting news from this week is that our zone has started to play a contacting game. Each companionship in the zone picks a day and picks what were going to contact that day. Green houses, people with dogs, people with children, blondes, old people, have been some of the subjects. Then we just try and go out and contact as many of these people as we can. And our zone is getting to be much more lively and it gives us a bit of thrill in missionary work. I dont know if its the most spiritual thing, or if I have a segway into something spiritual, but were just trying to do a bunch of things to talk with as many people as possible!
An 8 year old girl was baptized in our branch this week! We didnt prepare anything because its the branchs responsibility, and when we showed up, no one else had prepared anything either! So we ended up having to fill the font, give talks, clean, prepare the program, and get baptismal clothing, all that night! It was a great opportunity for us to do a little service!
We have two lesser active families that are starting to come back to church. We never visited them before, they just showed up because they decided that they wanted to be good examples for the rest of their family, and they knew that going to church was the way to do it! So now were trying to help them find other ways to serve and be examples to their families and those around them. What a wonderful thing to do! Hooray for living the gospel!
Well, the chruch is true.
Elder Christensen

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