Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 70

11 Enero 2014
Just kidding, its 2016.

This was one of the best weeks I've had in a while!!

On Friday, during the zone meeting, we got a text from Presidente LaPierre asking if we would be able to do divisions with him that day. We were already planning on leaving with a member, so it was perfect! I went with Presidente, and Elder Quesada went with Hermano Trinidad. Presidente is pretty much the most spiritual man alive. His teaching style is extremly simple. He just shares what he knows, then the Spirit does the rest. It was fun. We contacted one house, and the first thing they said was ``I dont want to talk to you. Im from the 21th century``. Makes sense. After about 30 seconds of loving banter from Presidente, they couldnt help but to talk with us. Turns out, the whole family sat around us in a circle, and asked us questions about the Book of Mormon and about life after death, which we answered using the very same book of Mormon that was in my hand. It was great.

Well the day before, we were with Hermano Trinidad, and one of his neighbors said hi to him, and instead of saying ``hi`` back, he said ``hey, no joke, when can i pass by your house with these missionaries and talk about Christ??!``... hm... i like his style! We set up an apppointment for the next day, when Elder Quesada went with him. They taught the Restauraction. and apparently during the lesson the man said ``wow. I was confused before. I thought you guys worshipped Joseph Smith, but now it all makes sense. Now i WANT to read the Book of Mormon.`` Then asked if he could invite his friend to attend church with him. Wow. This guy was giving them more references than the whole rest of the branch combined!

Well, they didnt attend church, but it was a faith building experience!

Weve been looking for Menos Activo members lately. And like 6 attended yesterday. It was insane. And our branch president had interviews with all of them... lets see if they decide to be active in the only true and living church upon the face of the earth...

Last week we had meetings in Posadas. It was great to see Elder BAskin there. I always love listening to Presidente LaPierre. Were trying to change the culture of the mission. to teach repentence and baptize converts.

While we were in Posadas, we finally cut our hair. The Argentine lady that did it really should not be cutting hair. the worst 3 dollars ive ever spent.

Have a wonderful day

Elder Christensen

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