Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week 64

Well, we helped fix a house this week.
We showed up to the service project at 8, as planned. Waited there for 30 minutes then the Branch President showed up. Then waited for another hour and someone else showed up, and we started goin at it at this house.
I was kind of clueless in what we were going to do. They told me ``service project``, so that could mean anything. Well, the Branch President scales this wooden house, is on top of the roof, and starts tossing us the roofing tiles. We piled them all up. As we were taking the roof off, more people started clearing all of the furniture out of the house. It was insane. I was just kind of standing there with my arms extended out waiting for someone to hand me something.
If you dont know my father, you should know that he is notoriously unknowledgeble about handywork. Anything that has to do with construction. And I take after my father. I was completely clueless what to do when these guys started taking down a wall. Then another wall. They start mixing concrete. It was weird.
They finally sent me over to dig a well. I can do that! We got down probably 3 feet. My hands are jacked up.
Well when we left, they had completely replaced the roof, were rebuilding one of the brick walls, and were starting on another wooden wall. Apparently they finished everything except for some electrical work.
So thats my week. We went to Posadas. Got sick. Way sick. I dont think ill ever be buying ham and cheese from a little dumpy shack on the side of the road ever again! So we were in bed for a couple days, too. What an eventful week!
On the spiritual side of things, While in Posadas, we had to do divisions with the elders in posadas. And we were right next to my old area, tacuari. While we were contacting, one lady said that she knew a family of members. When we asked who, she told us, and I totally knew him! He used to leave with us on visits all the time! Hes the bomb!
So we invaded my old area(hermanas are there now) to go and visit this family. We got there, and as we started talking with the sister there, she told us that her husband, who used to leave with us all the time, was on a ``spiritual vacation`` for the last couple months... NOOO!! He came outside, and we shared a scripture with him. Talked a little bit, and he still bore his testimony of the chruch. We left. I hope we helped him a little bit.
I also memorized the Living Christ in spanish this week. That was exciting.
I love you all very much.
Elder Emil

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