Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week 63


The week went by really fast. Travelling kills me.

Leaving Saltos was cool. Our branch president there is 80 years old, and is about 5 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds. And calls me Elder McChristopher. Super hilarious. We sang his favorite hymn. How Great Thou Art. And he started to cry! It was such a tender moment.

Elder Balcaza is the greatest. He lives about 5 minutes away from the Buenos Aires temple. Hes teaching me all the Buenos Aires slang. Its super funny. But about every other thing he says, he follows it up with ``dont say THAT as a missionary. its very vulgar`` haha So im not sure if ill be learning all the hood slang for the rest of the transfer. But hes got the heart the size of a wooly mamoth, and about the body of a wooly mammoth, also. Hes huge. Im very confident that no sound minded paraguayan will try and rob us.

Theres one lady here. She lives with her boyfriend and her boyfriend doesnt want to get married. They have 3 kids together. And she has been attending church every week for the past 4 years. And shill has yet to be baptized. On sunday, we visited her. She knows a TON. Go to church every week for 4 years, and i guess thatll do it. Well, her daughter was there, too, who is 10 years old. We started talking to her, and then told us that she wants to be baptized on her birthday this december. Uhhh... we said okay. Her mom told us that she doesnt know why her daughter hadnt been baptized yet. She just... hadnt.

We talked to another member, the primary president, and when we told her that this womans daughter wasnt a member and she was so suprised! The daughter even had an assignment in the primary program!!

So it looks like well be around to see her be baptized. Were in charge of teaching her, because neither of her parents are members, and it shouldnt be too hard, since shes gone to chruch every week for 4 years. Tranquilo.

I am currently in Posadas. We have meetings today and tomorrow. How exciting.

I bought a 2.5 kilogram bag of cereal. Thats what im talking about.

have a nice day

Elder Christensen

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