Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 55

Hello, world

Well, sorry, but not a whole lot has changed this week. Besides the fact that fanny got baptized and confirmed! The baptism was awesome and super awkward at the same time. They messed up the prayer like 5 times, and didnt go all the way under the water for 2 times, and it was kind of uncomfortable, but finally, everything ended up fine! Whew. It was awesome because its an awesome person who really understands everything she is doing and has 100 percent of a desire to change her life and to serve a mission, and to help others here. Yeah. She has an insane amount of knowledge.

I dont know if i told you, but last year, she was very active in the catholic church. In fact, she was the equivalent of the relief society president. She said that every week for 2 years, she gave a talk, and taught a class in church. What? haha she stopped because she moved here, and then never really had desires to go back to the catholic church, and then started researching other chruches online.... man. I cannot believe her story.

She kind of gave us a hard time about not talking to her earlier, haha

She said one of her favorite parts of being baptized is that now when people ask her what religion is she from, she can say ´´from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!´´ She's the best.

Well Elder Hutchison left. And I miss him. And Elder Diaz came. He's an insanely good missionary. I couldnt believe it. Its crazy to hear this guy teach. He will be very successful on his mission, and later in his life. Especially in the church. He lives 5 minutes away from the cordoba temple, and both of his parents and his sister are temple workers. But if hes telling the truth, Cordoba, Argentina is more advanced economically and socially than the US and the chruch is also stonger there than it is in Utah.

Hes got a bit of Argentine pride. But I have a lot of American Pride. So well make a great team.

I hope you read those last couple sentences with a light heart.

I love you all very much.

Elder Christensen

ps i would send you photos of fannys baptism, but this computer will not accept my camera.

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