Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 53

Fannys terrific.
She has almost finished the ´´´faith´´ section in her Personal Progress. She just needs to visit a member and share a scripture with her. She just read ´´our search for happiness´and ´for the strength of youth´´ and told us shed be a great visiting teacher. We fasted with her and she talked with her grandma and mom and they both gave her a soft ´´yes´´ to baptism. So the plan is the 26 of september. Me and Elder Hutchison are trying to bring as many handsome 1ñ8 year old jóvenes to her house as posible so that she doesnt have to decide between us to as the one to baptize her. Im only half joking about that.
We went to posadas and learned a lot about leadership. It was super interesting. we read a discussion by Elder Bednar. He said that equally as important as what you do as a leader, its just important as what you leave behind. he said that when he was first called as stake president, the first thing that they told him was that it was now his responsiblitiy to train a multitude of men who would be fit to replace him. and that changed almost everything he did over the next 8 years as stake president... interesting.
We have had many people come to chruch and read the book of mormon this transfer, but none of them have followed the answer that they recieved that it was all true, so that rocks. But I have been very blessed to have met these people.... not that im planning on leaving or anything. But transfers are next week, and me and Elder hutchison are really crossing our fingers that well be together for a third transfer. Cant get enough basketball.
Actually, the other mornign, we woke up at 6, and i was ready to go. ´´Elder lets go! Elder lets go!´´ Elder hutchison says to me ´´no! its raining!´´ i look outside. it definitely is NOT raining. ´´Dude it is NOT raining! lets go!´´ ´´no! its raining´´........ fine. so i hop back in bed and sleep for another 30 minutes then wake up and work out... Thats usually how the mornings go.
Have a kevalicious day
Elder Christensen

PS I completely forgot. One of the other elders´investigators asked me to baptize him. Because im big. Thank you mom and dad.

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