Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 58

Not every week is going to be an absolutely stellar one.

Just a good week. The highlight was that Elder Diaz skyped his family. Hes a great guy. His familys pretty cool. Cordobeses.

well... as i think of what im going to send, i really cant think of a specific experience that i would like to share. I know that the gospel is true, and i really enjoy being a missionary.

I still havent seen Paul Baskin yet.

Fanny is progressing very rapidly. She recently taught the class in the young womens. Shes going to the temple to do baptizms for the dead on 30 nov 2015. She is probably going to get her patriarchal blessing that day, too. She just got a full ride scholarship to her college next year. She is pretty awesome.

I love you all.

Elder Christensen

mcdonalds mcflurry.

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