Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 60

By the authority of the Preisthood of Melquisedec that i hold, this week i gave a child a name and a blessing.

Im not kidding. I was sitting there in gospel doctrine class yesterday, and a recent mother walked in, and handed me a piece of paper. It was a certificate of a baby blessing. Then she left. I was very confused. Right before the sacrament meeting started, i asked our branch president why i had this paper. He told me ´´so you can memorize her full name.´´ What? why do i need to know this babys full name? ´´because the parents want you to bless her.´´

well, so i had about 10 minutes to pray and pray and pray and prepare myself and pray some more. Before the meeting started,  i asked both of the parents if they REALLY wanted me to bless their baby. The father, Daniel, was baptized 2 months ago. He asked me to baptize him. And i did. And now, he told me that he doesnt want to wait a nother few months to get the melquisedec preisthood, he wanted me to bless and name his baby that day.

Well i couldnt really say no. I was pretty calm. I was super happy that the missionary handbook has what needs to be siad in a baby blessing. halelujah.

I blessed her, and it was a pretty awesome experience. Its not that i felt unprepared, but i felt super immature to be doing that sort of thing. I would have never guessed that i would have done something like this on the mission. But i was very happy to have the experience.

So... yes. I cant really remember if anything else happened this week. Changes came. Im going to Encarnacion with Elder Balcaza. Hes from Buenos Aires.

Paul Baskin is my District leader. So im pretty stoked about that.

And also, Carlos Antonio Lopez is in my zone, so i will SI o SI be going back to visit.

The mission blesses you in ways that i never thought were possible!!

Elder Christensen

teaching fanny. she lives so far away.

roberto and alfredo

Daniel is on the left. His wife and baby had to leave early... i couldnt get a picture..

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