wait. Elder Viñas from the Seventy came and spoke to our mission. that was pretty cool. I really enjoyed it. He talked about the Expiación, and about the plan of salvation, and about being better missionaries. He said that it is true that just being on a mission is a success, even if you do just enough to not be sent home for 2 years. It was hard to understand and hard to believe for me, but ill deal with it. He was such and intelligent man. He made us give counts of all of the recent converts that we have in our areas to make sure that were making sure that the church is growing. And when we had never heard of someone, he callled us to repent, and it was nuts.
He has almost 20 eyars experience of being a 70, and i could not believe that a man had that much intelligence
OH! WAIT!! we had a noche de hogar with The family with whom we skyped. The ones whose dad is not a member, but the family is way active, and the dad used to hate missionaries but now hes softening up to us, and as it turns out, he asks his family all the time about callings in the church, and what baptism requires and all this stuff. He will be the next patriarch, im not even kidding. Well we had it on forgiveness. And i9t was the greatest noche de hogar ever. One of the funniest things ever was that his daughter used situations of what would yhou do if... from his life. it was funny. and also kind of bad. But i feel like he learned a lot, and he is changing rapidly. Well... thats all.
I love you all. Os quiero. Heres some pictures of me in posadas
Elder Emil
by the way, i got a package, and enjoyed the spaghettiohs
¡oh posadas, oh posadas! ¡cuantas veces os hubiera juntado como la gallina junta sus polluelos, y no quisisteis!

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